Enhancing journalism through AI: What are the actual possibilities?
In what ways will the artificial intelligence revolution help journalists? I have a couple of ideas (ten in total). Some of them are painfully obvious. Others, not so much.
In what ways will the artificial intelligence revolution help journalists? I have a couple of ideas (ten in total). Some of them are painfully obvious. Others, not so much.
I am very suspicious of the notion that I have something valuable to teach others. So you must understand how difficult it is for me to write an article like this because who am I to presume I have enough expertise to tell others what to do and what to avoid? But then, if I’ve …
Read more “Don’t be lazy, and 15 other random writing tips for journalists”
The spread of misinformation on the internet can be likened to a wildfire. It begins with a spark. Then, it is picked up by another thing that catches fire and continues to spread until everyone is talking about it. As a researcher, you come across this fact, and because it is featured in so many …
Read more “From tiny sparks to wildfires: How misinformation sprouts in the internet era”
A lot of resources have been invested in getting journalists to do more fact-checking. But increasingly, we’re realising that it is not enough to verify claim after claim. It is not even enough to go after disinformation networks and get hundreds of bot accounts suspended from various social media websites. We also need to boost …
Read more “Innovative approaches to media literacy in the fight against misinformation”